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Mount Hagen Bio Fairtrade Instant coffee png, 100g - firstorganicbaby

Mount Hagen Bio Fairtrade Instant coffee png, 100g

Regular price $15 Unit price ($0.00 / 1 L) ($150.00 / Kg)

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Indulge in the rich aroma of a cup of coffee that not only awakens your senses but also nourishes your soul with fairness and love. Meet the captivating Mount Hagen Bio Fairtrade Instant Coffee - a heavenly blend of the finest Arabic beans, sourced ethically from the lush valleys of Papua New Guinea.

Each coffee bean, lovingly handpicked by local farmers, providess a bold and robust flavor that is perfect for the romantic at heart. The gentle roasting process ensures that every sip is a delight to your taste buds, delivering a perfect balance of sweetness and acidity.

We are proud to say that our coffee is grown and harvested with utmost sensitivity to the environment, bearing the natural land seal. Our commitment to sustainability and ethical practices is also reflected in our fair trade branding - a symbol of equitable relationships between producers and consumers.

So, if you seek a coffee that is not only delicious but also socially conscious, you've come to the right place. Savour every sip of Mount Hagen Bio Fairtrade Instant Coffee, and feel the warmth of love and compassion with every cup.

Mount Hagen Bio Fairtrade Instant coffee png, 100g